
August 22 (9:00AM) - 23 (10:30AM), 2023

Card Training

2 Part Virtual Education

Join us for an informative Card Training Session in relation to Debit Card Fraud, Disputes/Chargebacks and application of Regulation E.

Diana is a veteran financial services trainer and is well respected for her vast knowledge of the card payment industry, ACH Network and EFT Compliance. Audiences welcome her insights on payment trends and emerging payments. Diana’s enthusiasm and passion for all things payments results in a high energy presentation.


Diana Kern
Senior Trainer, Shazam

3.6 AAP/APRP Credits

Registration Fees:

Members: $229 per Single Registrant

Others: $458 per Registrant


Part 1 - August 22, 2023  9:00am to 10:30am CT

Part 2 - August 23, 2023  9:00am to 10:30am CT

Click Here to Register!

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