
February 14 (9:00AM) - 15 (10:30AM), 2023

What's New In Payments 2023

2 Part Virtual Education

What a difference a year makes! More than ever before, new payment channels and digital payment options are in demand by consumers and businesses. To ensure you are up-to-date on current payments industry changes, you do not want to miss this Payments Update session.

Recently approved ACH Rules amendments will be examined. The workshop will help provide an understanding how payment modifications could impact operations at your Financial Institution or organization. Find out how to get up to speed and meet industry demands in the ever-changing payments arena. A “basic” level of ACH knowledge is required.

Who Will Benefit:


3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits

Registration Fees:

Members: $179 per Person/Access - SFE Education Plan Eligible

Others: $358 per Person/Access


Part 1 – February 14, 2023  9:00am to 10:30am CT

Part 2 – February 15, 2023  9:00am to 10:30am CT

Click Here to Register!

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