When it comes to regulation E and faster payments like FedNow® Instant Payments and RTP® Payments from the Clearing House the question comes up a lot. Does Regulation E apply to RTP® and FedNow®, and if so when and how? The short answer is yes, but the answer to how is what we will cover in this course. From reviewing the FedNow Service Operating Procedures, the RTP Operating rules and the CFPB FAQ on instant payments, the Payments PRofessor walks you through the basics of Regulation E and how they are applied to FedNow, RTP, and even Zelle.
Kevin Olsen
The Payments Professor
AAP/APRP Credits 1.2
Registration Fees:
Members: $229 per Person/Access
Others: $458 per Person/Acces
November 7, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:00am CT