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Payments Institute Scholarship

Now Accepting Applications

Members are Encouraged to Submit Nominations

This is a great opportunity for someone who works in the payments industry to enhance his knowledge of the rapidly expanding electronic payment network.

The Scholarship recipient will attend the 2017 Payments Institute in Atlanta, GA, scheduled for July 16 - 19, 2017, at the Emory University Conference Center Hotel. The non-transferrable scholarship award will pay up to $3,000 towards the registration fee and travel-related expenses.

Payments professionals face greater and more complex challenges today than ever before. The industry is changing, the scope of the job is changing, and the workplace is changing. How do you keep up with rapid growth and ever advancing technology? How do you know what payments systems are right for your organization and how do you go about implementing them?

The Payments Institute (TPI)
Nacha's university-style program is focused on continuing education for industry professionals. TPI provides targeted education on the payments industry's most important topics. From developments in payments fundamentals to emerging opportunities, TPI provides education to prepare payments professionals for what's to come. Attendees leave with knowledge and tools to help them more effectively mitigate risk, remain in compliance, deploy innovative solutions, and add to their company's bottom line.

Scholarship Eligibility

Scholarship Nomination
Scholarship nominees and any supporting documents must be received at the SFE office no later than Monday, April 3, 2017.

Recipient Selection
Nominations will be reviewed and a scholarship recipient will be selected by the SFE Executive Committee and announced at SFE's 2017 Conference & Expo on May 4, 2017.

>> Nominate Someone or Apply Yourself Using the Online Form <<

Questions? Call (504) 525-6779 Ext. 1123 or email

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