Conference Apps

SFE Conference 2024

SFE’s conference features a mobile and web application. We highly encourage you to use the website as the primary method to access the conference. It’s easier to navigate the event and view session presentations with a full-sized screen and some features don’t work as well or at all on a mobile device.

Following is the link to the web application for the conference:  ACCESS TO BE AVAILABLE SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE CONFERENCE

You will also need to log in to the event using your email address, event code, and a password that you can set up for yourself. This event code will be sent to your email before the event.  It’s important that individual emails be used for each attendee.

If your company policy restricts loading apps to your mobile device, please reach out to an SFE staff member in advance of the conference. We will do our best to work around this restriction.

To access the app:

SFE’s Conference app is available to you through your smart mobile device. 

  • Go to the App Store for Apple iPhones or to the Play Store on the Android
  • Search for Southern Financial Exchange and install (no fees apply). The Conference logo will be displayed as shown below.
  • The password to access the app will be sent to registered attendees.
  • Enter your email address and the password. You must accept Socio’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before the app can be accessed. See the screen below.


Mobile App Screen Shots 2021

Features of the mobile app:

Overview – General information regarding the conference.

Announcements – At the conference, SFE staff will post any announcements using this feature.

Agenda – The app displays all sessions by day and time, location, session title, session description, continuing education credits by certification, speaker, and any documents that have been made available to SFE related to the session.  You can create your own agenda for the conference by selecting the sessions you plan to attend.

Attendees – Networking has never been so easy! All attendees at the conference will be listed and you can connect directly through the mobile app. Load your photo into your profile to make it easy to find connections. Once the connection has been made, all connections will be listed by clicking the connection’s icon at the bottom of the app.

Speakers – Like your session speaker? Please provide an electronic evaluation.  If you’d like to learn more about a speaker, the app contains titles, photos, bios, and sessions they are participating in are listed.

Social Networking – This is a wall within the app for you to post comments or pictures taken at the conference. All posts are listed along with the user who posted it, the time it was posted, and the number of likes, comments, and reports. Each user's posts are viewable in the Social Activity section of their user profile.

Treasure Hunt – SFE encourages all attendees to spend some quality time with the exhibitors. They help fund the conference which in turn keeps registration fees low. Prizes will be awarded!

Payments Trivia – SFE encourages all attendees to PLAY which will earn you eligibility for prize drawings at the close of the conference.

Exhibiting/Sponsors – Information regarding all of the exhibiting sponsors is available to you. An overview of each exhibitor, email address, phone and website are also posted for easy access.

Maps – A map of the venue is provided to assist in navigating throughout the conference.

Sponsors - Information regarding all of the sponsors is available to you. An overview of each sponsor, email address, phone and website are also posted for easy access.

Profile (Me) – The app allows you to build a short profile of information. This will come in very handy as you build connections with others in the payments industry. Adding a photo to your profile will help others find you during the conference. You can load a personal photo into your profile by taking a picture with your phone, choosing from a library on your phone, retrieve your photo from Facebook, or retrieve from LinkedIn.

App Guide – Should you need any assistance in negotiating the mobile app, just look here. Various articles are available to help you get started.

Any Questions?  Email SFE at You can also email for assistance.